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Cystoscopy :: Digital Rectal Examination ::  Pathology
PSA :: Radiology :: Urodynamics :: TRUS

Urodynamic Assessment is a highly specialised and sophisticated method of making a scientifically accurate diagnosis of the cause of incontinence. The Urodynamic recording system, which measures all the important functions of the bladder, is connected to a computer. This is used to measure, integrate and correlate urine flow rate, bladder capacity, and muscular and nervous control. This assessment is relatively inexpensive, takes approximately 45 minutes, does not require the use of drugs and is painless.


By using small size catheters in the urinary bladder, urethra, and rectum. The fluid is filled up in the bladder and pressures are monitored to get a feel about the lower urinary function. The tubes are connected to machines and computers calculates various pressures and guides about disease entities.

Urodynamic Computer
Urodynamic Computer

It is not advisable to take the test if there any urinary infection.

The principle investigations are



Possible diagnosis


Frequency, nocturia, poor flow

Bladder outlet obstruction

Pressure flow

Frequency, nocturia, poor flow

Bladder outlet obstruction


Frequency, urgency

Detrusor instability

Urethral closure pressure


Genuine stress incontinence

Ambulatory urodynamics

Frequency, urgency pointing to unstable bladder but not shown on staticurodynamics

Detrusor instability, Genuine stress incontinence

What if Abnormalities are Detected?

Urodynamic Assessment accurately detects most abnormalities. Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment recommended may include the taking of certain drugs, special pelvic floor exercises, physiotherapy or possible surgery.

How Often is Urodynamic Assessment Necessary?

In most cases a single visit is all that is required. With the extremely accurate diagnosis and the provision of recommended treatment, most people should find that their problems, if not totally solved, are markedly improved.

How Can Urodynamic Assessment be Arranged?

You can arrange an appointment for Urodynamic Assessment through your General Practitioner or, if you are under the treatment of a Gynaecologist or Urologist, they can organise the tests for you. As some women experience a certain degree of discomfort with their periods, it is advisable not to attend during menstruation.

Points of Interest

  • The procedure is mostly performed as an outpatient test. You will have to give a urine sample prior to your test
  • You must sign an informed consent
  • Make sure that there is no urinary infection. If UTI is detected on an urinary examination, procedure is postponed and appropriate antibiotics are given
  • It usually takes 30 to 45 minutes for the procedure
  • Patient empties the bladder prior to the procedure
  • Patents are usually given 6 dosages of antibiotics
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